The diversity of varieties allows us to offer organic oranges practically all year round, saving the summer months. We have varieties with navel and without it, of table or of juice and both, of rugosa and smooth skin, but always of excellent quality and flavor.
Oranges Navelina Bio: Excellent quality, low acidity, is an orange that can be considered both table orange and orange juice. Seedless and thick and strong skin, its flavor kicks off the orange harvest season in October.
Orange Lanelate Bio: Soft color and smooth skin, Lane Late is a variety with a low content of lemon, which gives it a sweeter and softer flavor. Perfect as orange table and juice.
Orange Navel Powell Bio: Intense color with a high juice content, this orange has an excellent taste thanks to its citric acid content and sugars.
Orange Valencia Late Bio: Late variety (harvested from April to June) considered orange juice, to have a meat more conducive to its extraction than to be eaten. Its perfect roundness is smaller than the previous oranges but richer in juice.
Orange Navel Chislett Bio: With a high content of citric acid, this variety has a high content of juice without tendency to granulation.
Bunch of oranges harvest chart